Weekly News 11.10.19
As we are moving towards the end of term the Early Years Team are incredibly proud of all the children in Reception. Over the last couple of weeks we have been exploring our topic, ‘On the Farm’. We have read What the Ladybird Heard, and discussed (and practised!!) the kind of noises we would hear on a farm. We have mixed colours and used them to paint our own farm animals and have copied some farm vocabulary. We also built our own farm out of the wooden construction and pretend to be different animals, and made some from Lego too! During busy time we have been learning how to milk cows by using rubber gloves with pain in, look at our beautiful artwork!
During Fizzy, we practise our fine motor skills. We have been writing our new sounds in sand, threading and practising our letter formation.
In maths we are beginning to represent numbers using marks and we are excited to start our shape topic next week!
At the end of each day we have been practising new songs linked to our topic in maths and literacy. We have also started our peer massage!
Just to clarify, please look through your child's pink sounds book each day to see which sound we have learnt that day. Then ask them to write the sound (using the handwriting patter) they can then draw some pictures of words that start with the new sound.
Thank you, have a great week!
The Reception Team