Monday 15th June Learning
Hello and welcome to a new week Year 3! We are starting a new topic this week called Chocolate and we will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - I'm sure you will have a great week!
This week we will be begin reading a fantastic book by Roald Dahl called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Reading: Read the pages of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory below. Today we would like you to summarise what you have found out about Charlie’s life from these pages. You could use bullet points for your summary.
Writing: These pages have told us about Charlie’s house. Sadly, his house is in a bad way and is old and rickety. Today, you are going to draw Charlie’s house and describe it. Open the pictures of Charlie’s house. These are just some pictures that people have created to show Charlie’s house but remember you can use your imagination for your description too. Think of some good adjectives and phrases that would describe Charlie’s house – a few ideas are wooden, rickety, tumble down, tired, worn out, freezing cold draughts. Now put your word ideas into sentences to describe his house.
You could start like this:
Charlie Bucket’s old, wooden house stood all on its own in a bare, dusty yard. The ancient planks of wood were bent and twisted and the house looked like it could fall down at any moment.
This week for maths, we are going to learn how to count money. Today we are going to add money. Attached is a sheet that shows you the value of each coin in case you need a reminder. For the questions, you will need to count how much money is in each jar or draw the coins if the value is given.
In this jar there is 50p + 10p + 10p + 5p
Therefore, in total there is 75p
100p = £1
150p = £1.50p
Make sure you give answers over 99p in pounds and pence.
There are three different levels. Choose the level that best suits your ability.
This week we will begin a new topic about Chocolate!
We will begin by learning about where chocolate came from. Chocolate is a very popular food now in 2020 but when was it first made and where did it come from?
The history of chocolate starts about 2000 years ago in Central America. The people living in this area then were called the Mayans. They grew cocoa beans on cacao trees and used the beans to make a frothy, bitter drink called chocolatl. They often put chilli in their chocolate drink; it was not a sweet drink like our hot chocolate nowadays. Pictures from the Mayan times show that they poured the drink from one cup to another to make it frothy.
After the Mayan people, the Aztec people came to live in Central America. They learnt about how to make the chocolate drink from the Mayan people. An Aztec king called Montezuma II loved chocolate and legends say that he drank a gallon of chocolatl a day! Chocolate was a very important part of their life. They thought that the gods gave them the cocoa beans and they used the beans instead of money to trade.
The picture above shows Aztecs drinking the forthy chocolatl drink - can you see the bubbles?
Watch the beginning of this video up to 1 minute 13 seconds to hear about the early history of chocolate.
Now open the Early History of Chocolate sheet and see if you can complete the activity.
Viking Isolation Games
Dear Chilton Heroes,
Thank you for all of the pictures and videos that you have sent to me this week. The weather has been lovely for you to complete your challenges!
This week, can you complete your challenge in fancy dress? The crazier the better!
The Challenges are:
Can you balance a toilet roll on your head, lie on your back and get up again without dropping it?
Walk, Cycle or Run 1K or 5K (Choose one or two)
Good luck and I look forward to seeing more pictures and videos in fancy dress J! Please continue to send them to
Miss Knight