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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Week beginning Monday 15th May Team Indigo and Team Royal


Wow what a fantastic week we have had in Team Indigo and Team Royal, take a look at what we have been up to this week….


This week in maths we have been looking at time! We have looked at o'clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to and 5 minutes to. Miss Davey, Miss Barlow and I have been so impressed with your time skills, well done Team Indigo and Team Royal!



This week in English we wrote a recount of how we made our delicious pizzas. We focused on writing in first person and our time openers to support our writing. Below is an example we wrote together:

On Monday, I made a delicious pizza. I was given lots of colourful ingredients which I had to prepare. First, I prepped the vegetables by chopping the peppers and mushrooms and pouring the sweetcorn into a bowl. Next, I placed the pitta bread in front of me and coated it with bright red tomato puree. Then I sprinkled the grated cheese all over the pitta. After that, I selected the juiciest, greenest peppers and placed them carefully on the pitta. Additionally, I used mushrooms and pepperoni for extra flavour.

My pizza was finished! Finally, it was placed carefully in the oven by Miss Kirtley. When the pizza was cooked I got to taste it. It was delicious so I gave it ten out of ten.

Thematic Curriculum

This week in our thematic curriculum we became designers! We had to design and create our very own pizzas that we thought would be suitable for pirates! We had to ensure they showed a balanced diet by including the 5 food groups. Take a look at the fun we got up to.


Every Friday this term we will be focusing on Be Here, Be You, Belong. This week we looked at Community! We talked about what we love about Ramsgate and why and then drew pictures of our favourite places. We then went to the forest school to tidy it up and keep our school safe and clean.



Love 2 Learn


This term, the children have been learning multicultural sports and disability games as part of their PE lessons and, like every term, we ask a PE expert to come in to build on their skills and develop their learning. We were fortunate enough to have Varun Shivdasani attend our school and teach us some amazing new skills.

Colour Run 1.30-1.55pm

On Friday 26th May please can children wear old clothes into school and bring a full change of clothes, a towel and a plastic bag for messy clothes to go in. Parents if you could make your way to the field via the allotment gate. Parents will be given a paint pouch to throw at their child and if you do not mind getting messy you can even volunteer at our colour stations. Children will be wearing protective glasses and will be given a safety briefing before running around a designated track 3 times. Once they have run their allotted laps around the track, all children will be taken back to their classroom. Parents can collect children from their classroom straight away. If you do so, we advise bringing something to cover your car seat. Children not being collected after the colour run can change into clean clothes.

Key dates to remember:

Term 5 ends – Friday 26th May 2023

Class Photos - Thursday 22nd June

Summer Fair – Friday 23rd June

Friday 16th June white paper bags will be sent out to decorate and fill with sweets, treats or small toys for the Lucky Dip stall.

Monday 19th June Team Indigo Monkton Nature Reserve

Wednesday 21st June, we will hold a non-uniform day in exchange for a bottle of something for the tombola stall.

Monday 26th June Team Royal Monkton Nature Reserve

Reception and Key Stage One Sports Day – Wednesday 5th July 9:15 - 12:00 Full details coming soon!

Chilton transition days for Years 1 – 5 – Monday 17th July to Wednesday 19th July - The children will spend three days with their teachers for the new academic year.

Inflatable Fun Day – Thursday 20th July - We will have several inflatables on the playground for a reward for all of the children at the end of the school year.

Final Day of Term – Friday 21st July - We will be waving goodbye to our Year 6 children from 1:00 and the rest of the children will finish school at 2:30.


Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695