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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! w/b 10.10.21

WOW! What an exciting week we have had in Year 1!

Read, Write Inc

This week we continued our Read, Write Inc. lessons. We have been working extremely hard in our groups and are getting the hang of our sounds, by having lots of practise! We are really improving our writing and remembering to use full stops and capital letters.

In each reading folder, there is a sound card and list of red words. Any practise with these at home would be extremely helpful and support your child’s reading and writing at home.


This week in maths we continued working on our subtraction skills. We learnt new ways to subtract by crossing out and counting on! Take a look at what we have been up to.


This week in topic we focussed on Design Technology. We planned to design our own emergency vehicles and labelled our designs with the key features including; wheels and axles.  The next day we designed these with junk modelling, using our own wooden wheels and axles. We had to think carefully about how they would attach together and move. We then set up a classroom gallery, where we evaluated our own and others designs and commented on each other’s creations. To inspire us for this activity, we had a special visit from the fire service! They showed us everything inside the fire engine, including; first aid bags, stretchers and hoses! We even got to sit inside and watched the lights flashing bright blue.

To end our wonderful topic ‘When I grow up…’ we had the best time ever at Little Seaside Town. We role-played many jobs and played with all the fantastic props available. Take a look at all the fun we have had!



This week, we have welcomed an Athletics expert, Darren, into our PE lesson.  We demonstrated what we had learned this term and he developed our skills further through some fun activities.  At the end of the session, there was a chance for us to ask him some questions about athletics and how we can continue to stay fit and healthy.


Next week:

Next week we will be continuing to work hard on our sounds, reading and writing in our Read, Write Inc lessons.

In Maths, we will be focussing on this term's problem-solving skill which is working systematically. We will be completing two investigations and working hard to solve them!

In RE, we will be identifying things that make our world special, we will explore the Jewish, Christian and Islamic creation stories and look at, and discuss, different accounts of the creation of the sky and Heaven. We will explore different religious accounts of how animals and people were created and will also discuss why we need to look after the world and everything in it.

Love to Learn:

This week we would love for you to solve these subtraction calculations, in one of the ways we have learnt during the last two weeks. This could be subtraction by; crossing out, counting on, using number bonds, part part wholes or just taking away.

This can be recorded in any way you wish…

6 – 2 =           7 - 5 =

7 – 5 =           9 – 4 =

10 – 3 =        11 – 6 =

14 – 8 =        16 – 10 =

18 - 11 =        20 – 12 =

Other news:  

Tuesday will be the Sports Project day. Children will need to wear full school uniform this day with trainers.

Thursday will be PE day. Please can the children come into school in their PE kit. Just a reminder this should be blue or black shorts/ trousers and a plain white top.

Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time)

Every Friday at 3 – Our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading.  PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO READING AT 3PM ON 21st OCTOBER – DUE TO HALLOWEEN DISCO

Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly and there are also individual class prizes to be won :)

Mrs Howard will be teaching Team Topaz on a Wednesday and Team Aqua on a Thursday.

Dates to remember:

Harvest assembly Reception & Year 1 – Monday 17th October 9:00

Individual Photographs – Tuesday 18th October


Term 1 ends – Friday 21st October

Half Term – 22nd to 30th October

Development Day – Monday 31st October

Term 2 begins for children – Tuesday 1st November

Have a wonderful, restful weekend,

Mrs Winchcombe, Miss Bryson and all the Year 1 team.

Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Topaz –

Miss Polly Bryson – Team Aqua -


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695