Year 3 Weekly News 4.10.19
In maths this week, we have been learning to divide. We consolidated our understanding of division from Year 2 whilst we practised dividing 2 digit numbers using sharing circles and then mentally - counting in steps of the smaller number up to the larger number.
E.g. 35 ÷ 5 = count in 5s, holding fingers up as you count, until you get to 35. This is 7 steps so the answer is 7.
We then moved on to learn that division is the inverse of multiplication, so if 18÷2=9, then 9x2=18. This knowledge helped us to find missing numbers in calculations e.g. * ÷ 3 = 4 to find *, we can multiply 3 by 4, 3x4=12 so * is 12.
Finally, we have moved on to learn how to divide higher numbers using the bus stop method (short division).
In English this week we have been learning how to include dialogue in our stories. We began by looking at speech punctuation. The children learnt to use inverted commas around what is being said, then to choose ambitious speech verbs instead of said. We then learnt to add an adverbial phrase to the end of a speech sentence using an as or a while e.g. "This cake is so yummy!" exclaimed Alice as she licked her lips happily.
In topic we have learnt how to use map symbols and 4 figure grid references. We then found out about how islands are created; some islands are volcanic, some are coral islands and some are man-made. We made some amazing fact files that explain how islands are made, making sure we included fact statements and questions in our writing.
Team Sapphire's assembly - Wednesday 9th October is Team Sapphire's class assembly at 9am in the school hall. Parents and carers are invited along to find out what your children have been learning about. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.
10th October - Children's individual school photos will be taken - please send children in with jumpers/cardigans. Many thanks.