Azure My Maths & Spellings

All children in Team Azure will be bringing home their MyMaths log in letters tonight. Maths home learning has been set to be completed by the following Friday (12/7/19). Please do come and see either Miss Barrow or Mrs Gale if you have any issues logging on!
This afternoon children visited the MyMaths website and tried some of the activities during their computing time so they are a little familiar with it!
Attached is also a list of the Year 3/4 stautory spellings. It is important that the children are able to spell most words on this list by the end of Year 4. We would appreciate it if you could start going through the list and learning 2 or 3 a week at home.
We also have paper copies avilable in the classroom.
Many Thanks
Miss Barrow & Mrs Gale
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