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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 6.10.23


In English this week we have finished our writing unit on character descriptions. The children created their own unique robot characters, planning what their new character’s appearance and personality are. They then used this to write their final character description piece using all of the skills we have learnt in this unit – prepositions, ambitious adjectives in expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs, similes and varied sentence openers.

We also finished reading our story, ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children loved the end of the story where Iron Man saves the World from Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon. Here we are acting out Chapter 5 of the story…

Thursday was National Poetry Day and we explored and performed some poems by Michael Rosen.

Next week we will be learning about Non-Chronological Reports.


This week we have been learning about division, and the inverse relationship between division and multiplication. The children have learnt how to find missing numbers in calculations using times tables facts that they know. For example, 21 ÷ ? = 3, because they know 3 X 7 is 21, they know the missing number is 7. The children have also used known times tables facts to quickly solve 3-digit calculations where the numbers are 10 or 100 times bigger. E.g. 3 X 40 = They know 3 X 4 is 12, so 3 X 40 is 120 (ten times bigger than 12). Other examples were 240 ÷ 6 =    40 X 70 =    300 X 5 =

Next week we are learning about time. We will be converting units of time and then learning to tell the time using the 12-hour and 24-hour digital clock. If you have any time to practice telling the time on an analogue (not digital) clock over the weekend, that would be very beneficial.

Thematic curriculum 

In science this week we have been learning about noise pollution, how to protect our ears and about ways we can communicate without sound. We have learnt about sign language, cochlea implants and hearing aids. The children made some of their own fantastic ear defenders in our lesson about protecting ears from loud sounds. Here are some of them…

Here is one of our fabulous posters about Noise Pollution...

Next week, Team Cyan will be doing computing and learning how to code using Scratch. Team Turquoise will be completing their RE learning about Sikhism.

Love to Learn 

Your Love to Learn challenge this week is science. We would like you to create a fact sheet about how we hear. You could include: How are sounds made? How do they travel to our ear? How do our ear hear sounds? What happens inside our ears? What makes sounds louder or softer? What makes sounds higher or lower pitch? A diagram of the ear. We look forward to seeing your fact sheets.


Words to practice for a spelling test on Weds 11th October:

fetch, catch, stretch, sketch, match, pitch, watch, itches, snatches, kitchen

Challenge words for the test (optional to learn): possess, possession, particular

Other News 

  • We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that came to our Harvest Festival assembly and also for all of your kind donations.

Dates to remember  

  • Our Halloween Disco is on Friday 13th October 4.305.30pm for Years 4-6.

  • During the first week back after half term, we will be having an Ancient Egyptian day in Year 4 and would like to invite the children to come to school dressed up as something to do with Ancient Egypt. We will let you know in due course which day this will be on but wanted to let you know so you can begin organising costumes if your child would like to dress up.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695