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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

w/b 12/06/2023

W/C 12/06/2023

Home Learning Tasks:

  1. We would like the children to spend some time researching the question: What is Autism? Children can present their learning in any way they wish.  This could be: a PPT, a poster, a leaflet, a presentation etc. This researching task will assist their writing next week (see below).
  2. We would like the children to practise the following spellings:












This week the children have been researching, planning and writing about London tourist attractions that they will see from The London Eye.  The children’s final outcome will be a leaflet that they will take to London with them when they visit on Friday 30th June.

Next week, the children will continue reading the book - The London Eye Mystery.  We will explore the character Ted further spending some time understanding his personality and why he appears to think differently to his sister. The children will learn that Ted has Autism and what that means for him.  As a year group, we will research, learn and write about what Autism is and how many people live with Autism in many different ways.  


This week, the children have worked with number sequences moving their knowledge towards calculating the Nth Term.  The children finished the week taking part in a problem-solving lesson that involved number sequences and patterns.

Next week, the children’s maths will be linked to our Thematic Curriculum.  We will be focusing on ratio and scaling recipes.  The children will then work in groups to scale up / down a recipe that will be provided to them.  They will then make this recipe!

Afternoon lessons:


This week, the children received their Flour Babies and learned to be responsible for another ‘person’ that is not themselves.  Some of the children worked on this task independently and some with a partner. The Flour Babies task will continue next week with a reward and an extra reward for children who have shown a mature and responsible attitude toward the task.


The children have revisited French this week - focusing on buying items.  The children will continue this topic next week.


On Friday this week, the children took part in an art task – drawing.  They have explored the different drawing tools that they will use for their Term 6 art lessons (different pencils).  The children then rehearsed drawing using perspective.  This skill builds towards their end of term art drawing project.


Next week, Year 6 will learn about coding in Computing.

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695