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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Week beginning Monday 17th April Team Indigo and Team Royal

What an incredible start to Term 5 in Team Indigo and Team Royal, take a look at what we have been up to this week….


This week in maths we looked at 3D shapes, we were able to identify and describe the properties of a cube, cuboid, sphere, triangular based pyramid, triangular prism, cylinder and a cone. We used nets to create 3D shapes and were able to find the similarities and differences of 3D shapes by comparing how many vertices, edges and faces the 3D shapes had.

Guided Reading

This week in Guided Reading we used the text Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies. To start the week off we made a prediction on what the book may be about. We clarified any words we did not know the meaning of and we were able to retrieve information from the text to label our own shark.



This week in English we have focused on a non-fiction text Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies. The children have loved all the facts they have found and created a shark fact file at the end of the week to show off all their learning. Miss Barlow, Miss Davey and I are all so proud of you!



Each week we will be practising new spellings. If you would like to have a go at home, the spellings for the English group are:

The spellings for the RWI group are:

Thematic Curriculum

To start our new Thematic Curriculum a Pirates Life for Us we went on a local area walk to Pegwell Bay to see the smugglers tunnels!

For our Art Part we practised a new technique crayon resist. We had to draw an outline using white crayon or candle wax and then showed our secret message and pictures with watercolour paints. Take a look at our masterpieces!

This week in our thematic curriculum we became Historians! We learnt what a smuggler in the past was, how they worked and what they smuggled. We looked at the North Kent gang and wrote a fact file on all our fantastic learning we have discovered this week.


Every Friday this term we will be focusing on Be Here, Be You, Belong. This week we learnt what it meant to be proud and how that might make us feel and look. We looked through all of our learning books and had to pick one piece of learning that made us feel incredibly proud to put on the proud pegs! We then wrote a little note explaining why we were proud of that learning. Take a look at us in action.

Love 2 Learn

Year 2 Assembly

Everyone has a part to play please could you practice your lines for the big day!

Our assembly is on Thursday 4th May at 9am.

Next Week:

Next week in maths we are going to be looking at measuring using grams, kilograms, Celsius, litres and millimetres.

Next week in English we will continue our non-fiction text Surprising Sharks where we will focus on adjectives, past tense and sequencing events.

Next week we will be continuing our thematic curriculum A Pirates Life for Us where we will be looking at famous pirates from the past.

Key dates to remember:

Operation Zig-Zag (parking initiative) – 26th & 27th April

Strike Days – Thursday 27th April & Tuesday 2nd May

Year 2 Assembly for parents – Thursday 4 th May (9:00)

Red, White and Blue day for the Coronation – Friday 5th May



Term 5 ends – Friday 26th May 2023

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!


Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695