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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 2.11.22

The Festive Season has begun here at Chilton which means lots of singing and glitter alongside our learning! The children will continue to follow their regular timetable up until the very last day but we do have some special events so be sure to check out the calendar and reminders below.

This week we have started a new book, ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ which is set in a Kenyan village. It is a beautiful story that addresses issues of drought in a magical tale. This week we have been writing recounts, showing viewpoint. The children were amazing at role playing and hotseating characters showing how worried they were about the hot weather. The vocabulary that they learnt to use was outstanding. Next week the children will be rewriting the narrative of the story, exploring sentences starters and how to express time and place. We will be doing lots of oral story telling so that we are confident when we write.


We learnt about Capacity and volume this week in Maths and became really confident with using the correct maths vocabulary. We used stem sentences to express our ideas and answers. Next week we will be learning about mass and length, learning units of measurement and measuring accurately.

Units of Volume and Capacity - Year 3 | Teaching Resources


This week we have been Scientists, learning all about rocks, soils and fossils. Ask us what the three different types of rocks are to test our knowledge. We performed an experiment testing the hardness of different rocks. Did you know that diamond is the hardest mineral in the world? We found out that chalk was the softest and granite was the hardest in our experiment. Next week we will be using clay to make Stone Age sculptures and ending with a quiz to show our understanding of ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’. It has been such a fun theme!

Home Learning

This week we have set a MyMaths activity. If you cannot access this online, we have copies in the classroom. The learning is a recap of previous measures taught in Year 2, ready for next week’s lessons. We will also be sending lyrics for our performance home to practise… enjoy!


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  • Friday 2nd December - Come dine with me 3+5

  • Friday 9th Choir to Bellevue at 2:30pm, performing at 3:30pm

  • There is no PE during the last week of term (Monday 12th to Friday 16th) Wednesday 14th - Christmas performances. 3+4 at 9:00am

  • Thursday 15th December - Christmas parties - a slip will be sent home with ideas for what to bring in.

  • Friday 16th December - Christmas lunch and jumper day. Finish at 2pm

Art Competition

For this Terms art competition, we are asking children to design ANYTHING in the style of Yayoi Kusama.  Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called 'the princess of polka dots'. Although she makes lots of different types of art – paintings, sculptures, performances and installations – they have one thing in common, DOTS! 

It is up to you what you design, how you design it or how you would like to present it!  

Entries are due in by 9th January – Please pass these on to your class teachers. Enjoy!  

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695