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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 11th November 2022

We have had a great week in Year 5. Everyone has worked incredibly hard and produced some wonderful work.


This week in English, we have been writing setting descriptions of an alien land. We have been using figurative language with a focus on personification. We have also been continuing with our book ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’ which everyone has been really enjoying.

Next week we will be writing viewpoints, using the characters in the book and the situations they have found themselves in the book.



For Maths, we have been continuing to look at fractions. We have been finding fractions of amounts and converting fractions into decimals. We were able to understand how to use the bar model to help us visualise how to divide a whole into equal parts, then use the numerator of the fraction to find our fraction of an amount.

Next week we will be looking at properties of shape.



After our amazing visit to the Science Museum last Friday, we began delving into our Stargazers topic this week. The history of space exploration and the Space Race was our introduction, creating detailed timelines, documenting key events of the battle between The USA and USSR to reach the moon. Next, we looked at the moon landing of Apollo 11 and imagined if it had happened in modern times. We documented it by live tweeting each stage of the mission. Finally, we created our own planets for our ‘Art Part’. We used marbling techniques to make our unique and colourful planets.

We also had a kindness day on Friday. Throughout the day, we focused on how to treat our friends, why it is important to be kind and read the book ‘Have You Filled A Bucket Today?’, creating our own buckets to be filled with kind words from others.    


Love To Learn

For your love to learn we would like you to make your own planet on the sheet provided, then follow the instructions at the bottom to see your planet come to life! 


  • On Tuesday 29th November, the Chilton Fundraisers will be holding a 'Christmas Lantern Festival' from 3.15-4.15 on the school field. Mr. Redwood and the school choir will be leading the Christmas carols. There will be hot chocolate and festive cakes available, a tombola, a Christmas shop and a handful of festive games to play. On Monday 28th November, we will be having a non-school uniform day. On this day we ask the children to bring in a bottle for our Tombola. In addition, on Monday 21st November, we will be sending a white bag home. We ask the children decorate these and add a treat to the bag, for example some sweets or crayons. We would like these brought into school on Monday 28th November, ready to be sold at the Festival on Tuesday.
  • Year 5 will be holding a Christmas Performance on Wednesday 14th December at 2:30
  • As the weather is changing, please could children bring 'outdoor' shoes into school. This allows children to enjoy the field at lunchtime without bringing mud back into the school. Could parents also ensure that children are bringing jumpers and jackets/coats into school please.
  • Sports Project will continue to be on WEDNESDAY. Please could children come to school in uniform with trainers



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695