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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News w/b Monday 7th November- Team Indigo and Team Royal

Another fantastic week of learning from Year 2 this week!

English/RWIGruffalo's Child Board Book – Gruffalo

As previously mentioned, some children will be completing RWI and some have started English with their class teachers. 

In English this week, we have started to look at The Gruffalo's Child by Julia Donaldson. This week we have focused our learning on reading skills such as reading with expression, considering questions we would ask the characters, completing comprehensions on the book and later in the week we started to sequence events using time conjunctions such as first, then, later, next, after that, meanwhile, finally.


In Maths this week we have been looking at multiplication! We started the week by looking at odd and even numbers. We learnt that is we look at the ones digit, this will help us to know if a number is odd or even. If we can divide that number by 2 and for there to be no remainders it would be even and if there was a remainder the number would be odd.

We then moved our learning on to learning about repeated addition. We looked at pictures and created repeated addition calculations such as... 

 We then linked this learning to multiplication. We used language such as lots of, groups of, multiplied by and times. This array would show  5X 3 as it is 5 lots of 3.

What are arrays? | TheSchoolRun

Next week we will be looking at division focusing on the grouping and sharing method.


In PSHE this week, we have been looking about kindness and anti bullying. At the beginning of the week we celebrated gratitude by creating our own gratitude jars where we had to fill them with all things we were thankful for. It was a very heartwarming lesson to hear all the children's wonderful ideas! We then discussed the definition of bullying and discussed what bullying might look like, sound like and how it might make you feel. The children showed so much respect and maturity when discussing these subjects. We finished the week by reminding the children who they can talk to in school if there is ever a problem or they feel like something hasn't been resolved. 

Love to Learn

Love to Learn – Friday 11th November

Due back – Wednesday 16th November

This week for your Love to Learn task, we would love for you to create your own poem. You can read one of your favourite poems or books that use rhyming words for inspiration. Remember it doesn’t have to rhyme! You can present this in any way that you would like. We cannot wait to see all your lovely learning.

Key dates to remember:

Children in Need – Crazy Hair Day – Friday 18th November

Come Dine with me (Year 2 only) Friday 25th November – Year 2

Book Fair in school – Monday 28th November – Thursday 1st December

Non-Uniform Day - Monday 28th Non-school uniform day in return for white bags and bottles for Tombola

Christmas Fair - Tuesday 29th November

Christmas performance Tuesday 13th December at 9:15 more information coming soon.

Christmas Parties – Thursday 15th December

 Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner – Friday 16th December


 Term 2 ends at 2pm – Friday 16th December

 Term 3 begins – Wednesday 4th January

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695