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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 11.11.22


Tuesday 15th November Odd Socks Day

Thursday 17th November Flu vaccinations

Friday 18th November Children in Need

Year 4&6 Come Dine - Friday 9th December

PE on a Wednesday (PE kit as usual)

Extra PE on a Thursday (trainers to be worn into school)


Upcoming Christmas Events:

On Tuesday 29th November, the Chilton Fundraisers will be holding a 'Christmas Lantern Festival' from 3.15-4.15 on the school field. Mr. Redwood and the school choir will be leading the Christmas carols. There will be hot chocolate and festive cakes available, a tombola, a Christmas shop and a handful of festive games to play. On Monday 28th November, we will be having a non-school uniform day. On this day we ask the children to bring in a bottle for our Tombola. In addition, on Monday 21st November, we will be sending a white bag home. We ask the children decorate these and add a treat to the bag, for example some sweets or crayons. We would like these brought into school on Monday 28th November, ready to be sold at the Festival on Tuesday.



  • Reception – Friday 9th December at 9:15 

  • Year 1 – Monday 12th December at 9:15 

  • Year 2 – Tuesday 13th December at 9:15 

  • Year 3 and 4 – Wednesday 14th December at 9:00 

  • Year 5 and 6 – Wednesday 14th December at 2:30

Love to Learn

This week we would like the children to research survival strategies for surviving in a cold environment such as Antarctica. The children will be writing a survival guide in English next week so any extra research will help them greatly.


This Week:

In maths this week, the children worked on comparing, and simplifying fractions and then moved on to adding and subtracting fractions.

In English, the children worked on rewriting part of the story using their own structure. They focused on using ambitious verbs. Later in the week, the children wrote a character description about the evil Starjik using expanded noun phrases.

In Topic, the study of the River Nile was continued where children created their own 3D map. They then moved on to look at hieroglyphics.

Term 2, Week 3:

In maths, the children will continue to develop their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions. They will then move on to explore the features of different types of triangles and then ordering angles.  

In English, the children will be writing a survival guide on surviving in a cold, harsh environment. They will employing imperative verbs and writing a series of instructions that are clear and concise.

In PSHE next week the theme is Anti-bullying week. On Tuesday, there will be an Odd Socks Day where the children will celebrate their differences. On Wednesday, they will look at how we can avoid falling out. On Thursday, the children will focus more on empathy and comparing it with sympathy.

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695