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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

W/C 17th October 2022

Home Learning Tasks:

  1. A MyOn book has been set for home learning over the half-term.  We would like the children to read a short book about the human body to prepare them for their next topic – Inside Out.  Once read, they can take a quiz on it.  Access MyOn here - they will need to log on using their AR username and password. Deadline for this is Thursday 3rd November 2022.

  2. We would like the children to practise spelling the year 5/6 spellings.  Please find these spellings attached at the bottom of this blog.

Important notices: In week 2 of Term 2, Year 6 will be learning about how a lamb’s heart functions. The children will have the opportunity to explore a lamb’s heart scientifically.  Children will be given the chance to touch the heart if they wish.  Gloves will be provided.  Please let your child’s class teacher know if you would like your child to not take part in this lesson. 


This week the children finished the Year 6 text Floodland.  They have also spent the week planning and writing a non-chronological report about climate change.  On Friday, they spent the day publishing their writing. 

After half term, Year 6 will be starting a brand-new text called Skellig.  They will make predications and spend some time planning and writing a setting description using ambitious adjectives and figurative language.   


Years 6 had a successful week learning how to multiply decimals – they all absolutely smashed it! Please ask your child to show you this new skill.

After half term, Year 6 will look at dividing numbers up to 4 digits by 1-digit then 2-digit whole number using short division and how to interpret remainders as whole number remainders and decimals.  They will then move on to solve word problems. Please look at the Maths attachment to help your child prepare for their dividing lessons.

Afternoon lessons:

This week the children focused on Hinduism and the stories that are important to Hindus in their RE lessons.  They also took part in an oracy task focusing on a big question – Is it always wrong to steal?

After half term, Year 6 will start their new topic – Inside Out.  They will explore a Big Question/oracy task titled, ‘What helps our bodies to function effectively?’ Children will draw around their own bodies drawing where they think the body’s internal organs are. They will learn about their resting heart rate and then design their own fitness routine to monitor their heart rate. They will make their own paper origami hearts. 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695