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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 30th September

As we move past the halfway point of Term 1, Year 5 are celebrating another week of wonderful effort and achievement. Here's what we've been up to this week:


In Maths this week, we have been looking at Multiplication and Division and the relationship between the two. We practised using the grid and the column method for 2 digit x 1 digit and 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication before fine-tuning our column skills. Some children even tackled some 3 or 4 digit x 2 digit problems! We then moved on to division using the bus stop method looked at how remainders can be given as decimal answers. Next week, we will be looking at problem-solving using the four operations.


In English this week, we have been writing newspaper reports of Shackleton and his men's departure from Plymouth on the Trans Atlantic Expedition. We focused on using formal language, including facts and information and using both reported and direct speech. We also continued to read through Ice Trap, following the story of Shackleton and his crew. Next week, we will continue to build on our newspaper writing and speech writing skills, creating a report on Shackleton's return.


In Topic this week, we have continued working through the Geography part of our 'Frozen Kingdom' topic. We made comparisons between life on a research station in Antarctica and how that differers from life in the UK, writing a postcard back home describing these differences. We also studied the terrain and completed an outside investigation on how travelling across different terrains could be easier/harder. We then planned the route we would take to complete Shackleton's planned walk across Antarctica. Finally, we learnt about a number of locations Endurance visited and acted as the teacher to teach different children about those places. Next week, we will be looking at mapping skills before moving on to the Science section of our topic and studying living things.

Home Learning

Thank you to all the children who completed their MyMaths tasks this week. For home learning, we would like the children to create a Newspaper Report on an event of their choice. It could be a trip/day out they have been on, a sports match they have watched/played in/been to or a 'real world' news event. The children are welcome to complete by hand or on a computer but should aim to include the features of a newspaper that we have studied this week. Please could this be returned to school by Friday 7th October.


Mr Abel's/Mr Mason's group: measure, treasure, leisure, enclosure, pleasure, 

Miss Hayzelden's group: invisible, disapprove, incapable, disappear, independent

Important Messages

  • Please support your child in reading at least four times a week. Children should be taking a quiz on Accelerated Reader once they have finished a book.

  • Sports Project is on a Wednesday. Please could children come to school in school uniform but with trainers.

  • PE is on a Thursday, and for this term is swimming. Please could children come to school in their PE kit and bring their swimming things in a bag.

  • On Tuesday 4th October, Year 5 will be going to Nethercourt park to look at ecosystems as part of our Topic. Please could children bring spare shoes that they don’t mind getting muddy and a coat on this day. We will be leaving at 9am and will be back before lunchtime.

  • Details have been sent home regarding our Term 2 trip to the Science Museum on Friday 4th November. If you require more details or have any questions please contact the office or ask your child's teacher. 

  • Our Harvest Festival Assembly will take place on 21st October

  • Individual School Photographs will take place on Tuesday 18th October

  • Term 1 ends on Friday 21st October

  • Term 2 begins on Tuesday 1st November

Have a great weekend!

The Year 5 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695