Friday 11th January 2019
Welcome back to a busy but exciting first week back for the Spring (third) term
As you may know, Ofsted visited us this week. Year 6 acted as amazing role models, working hard throughout the week and showing our guests how well they challenge themselves at the top of the school. Staff who saw Year 6 commented on how maturely they worked. We are all proud of the effort they have put in this week. We are pleased that they have returned from the Christmas break ready to work hard again - keep it up Year 6!
In English this week, we began reading Rose Blanche, which focussed on a lot of discussion involving the illustrations. We asked questions about what we would like to find out and made predictions based on existing knowledge. From this, the children wrote a radio script that we performed to partners, considering the use of our voice and speaking clearly. Towards the end of the week, we planned and wrote up (bias) German newspapers, based on Rose Blanche, thinking about the features of news reports.
In maths, we have been converting units for measurement, involving length (mm, cm, m and km), mass (kg and g) and capacity (ml, cl and L), solving problems based on this. We also revised imperial and metric units and discussed where we still might see imperial units.
Our topic work focussed on the Holocaust. We wrote poems and learnt about how Jews were killed in the Second World War and this led to circle time discussions, reflecting on our lives.
Your Love to Learn this week is converting units on my maths: and is due in for next Wednesday.