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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! w/b 6.12.21

Wow what a great week we have had in year 1!

This week in Team Indigo and Team Royal we have been learning…

Read, Write Inc.

This week has been filled with the most amazing writing! We could not be prouder of our teams and what they have achieved, especially as a lot of us are tired and ready for the Christmas break! 1 week to go!


This week in Maths we’ve been looking at shape! We were amazing at naming 2D shapes and knowing their properties. We then moved our learning on to those tricky 3D shapes and looked at their faces, corners (vertices) and edges! We have been on shape hunts and made rockets, villages and houses from them! Although, we discovered a sphere is not a good base for a rocket!


This week was our last week on our topic ‘Thunderbolts and Lightning’ We ended this topic by creating some marvellous weather reports. We had our own studio set up in the classrooms and performed these to an audience. We were fabulous! ​

Love 2 Learn

This week, we would love you to write us a letter to Santa or an elf! We would love for you to use some red words in your writing and use your sound card to help you! Maybe you could tell them what you would like for Christmas or what you have been doing in the run-up to Christmas! Enjoy!


The Chilton fundraisers have organised a Christmas bag sale .Each child will receive a white bag. Please can these be decorated and pop a toy/sweets inside worth around £1 and send them back into school by Wednesday. Thank you!

The bags for R, 1, 2 will be sold on the KS1 playground and for Ks2 in the usual place outside the year 5 classrooms.

  • Please remember to tie hair back. 
  • Party day– 15th December

For party day please could you bring in...

Red Romans: Sausage rolls and savoury items. 

Green Normans: Sweet bits! Cakes, sweets or treats!

Blue Vikings: Crisps

Yellow Saxons: Fruit 

Please no nuts! 

  • Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day – 17th December
  • Term 2 ends at 2pm on Friday 17th December
  • Term 3 begins for children – Wednesday 5th January

Have a fantastic weekend, and we look forward to seeing you next week!

Mrs Winchcombe and Mr Allen


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695